Inclusion Audit

This assessment highlights areas of success and opportunity like…

Drivers of employee feelings of belonging

Barriers to building an inclusive environment

Exemplar leaders and practices to emulate

Inequitable experiences across identities

Inclusion refers to the workplace culture, environment, and management that impact the employee experience. A Seen@Work Inclusion Audit assesses the ways in which those aspects make members of your team feel included, with an added emphasis on how those feelings may differ based on employee identities. ​

Program Details

To make your Inclusion Audit comprehensive and meaningful, your Seen@Work team will utilize a variety of investigative tactics that might include…​

  • Surveys distributed widely to capture as many employee perspectives as possible​

  • Focus groups held with representative samples to dig into detailed thoughts​

  • Practice and policy study to identify potential causes of inclusion/exclusion​

  • 1:1 Interviews with key stakeholders to understand individual experiences

At the conclusion of an Inclusion Audit, your Seen@Work team will deliver a detailed report that may include…​

  • Descriptive statistics outlining key takeaways from our analysis​

  • Problem statements indicating specific areas for growth or concern​

  • Data-driven recommendations suggesting tactics to address those areas​

  • Research-backed best practices for your team to deploy ​

  • Peer benchmarks that can inform your progress and strategy​

  • Strategic roadmaps for how you can achieve quick wins and long-term goals​

Bringing in an outside team of Seen@Work experts will offer an added layer of confidentiality to participating employees, helping them to be comfortable, honest, and candid about their experiences. This helps to ensure the audit is accurate and unbiased.